Wednesday, September 12, 2007


i find myself to be a rather weird person....ever since young.

(this is but a short essay..rather redundant..u can choose to ignore or u may not )

my way of expressing my own thoughts is only clear to myself but not others..

its like when i was young..i wrote something..which was like 200% clear to me

but to my sister and cousin...they had no clue to what iw as talking...

i was living in my own world whereby i understand things my OWN way

(realise the i was typo error..i cant be bother to go back and amend it...lazy to touch my mouse.
lol imagine that..i tink i would be the boy who had the biscuits tied around his neck ahahah)

*if u do not know the was about the boy whose mum (i tink) supposedly went out for a few days and tied this few biscuits round his neck and asked him to eat 1 per day..ended up he died after the first few days or something liddat...due to his laziness of not bothering to turn the tied thing around and eat the rest of the biscuits..having only ate 1 or 2 hahaha*

any1 has a correct version of this please correct me...haha

still i enjoy the touch of my keyboard and my fingers rolling all over it..(very suggestive hor haha)

anyway...i tink my 'uniqueness' (ps unique..have to use ur bian...)
can be generalised as my inability to have proper teaching skills..haha

so i tink things are btr off learnt from other ppl than me..
i tink things differently from ppl

an example..would be how i find it hard to describe ppl using i only understand the words my own jelly way( agar agar) and not through the normal definition (the word definition reminds me of HDTV..i dunno why..maybe cos its hot now ) *hot as in very popular..dun think Y..tink I please*

so yea...dun ask me to explain things..cos i kinda suck at it...

TO END IT OFF! I SHALL TYPE SOMETHING THAT IS RATHER INTERESTINGA BOUT MYSELF (this reminds me of like introduction to myself wheneva i am new to a class or wadevaz) *i do alot of reminding hahaha maybe i should remind myself more about exams or tests or studying or wadevaz o yea! of, not the mug u drink liquid from..but the studying slang =P*

dun get what i mean? read on...=D

lets see...

i write with my right hand
badminton - right
bat - right
billard - right

basketball - left
soccer - left LEG
bowling - left
i wear watch on my right - saying im left handed..i tink so bah... right handed ppl wear on left right? (some1 please correct me if im wrong)

anyway..i tink my right hand is still rather dominant in things..but i tink my left hand
does things btr compared to my right in i play basketball btr than i play badminton those kinda stuff

i tink its cos i changed my dominant hand when i was small..forgot how old i was..just that my parents changed my left hand to right hand..LOL apparently some memory was still left in my left hand or right brain...hahaha =D and it rocks lor..cos at least im having a balance haha =D

but wait..that leads me to tinking that im making full use of my brain and therefore maybe it will run out sooner? NO WAY! =P

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