Wednesday, September 12, 2007

im troubled

im really trouble..wait what shall i blog about..

pardon me..i nid 10 lines to tink

ok..i tink im all set and ready...

argh its so difficult being in a dilemma..

and im not too sure if i told the correct the person or i should have even told
some1 bout somethings in the first place

i jsut keep silent..but that always means im deep thought...
deep until when u come up u have to decompress urself those type of deep
if not u will tio nitrogen poisoning those type..

well..sometimes i tink shutting up ur own big fat mouth (not saying anyone here..just saying everyone) helps to a certain extent.. how u see the world in a slower motion

and not to be carried along with the flow of the conversation
but i still dun get how ppl can tink twice before u speak or act

by then things tend to have already moved passed u and u are unable to catch up

eating dust here and there....and only the thought harboured within ur mind
that is true is the one that turns up just like *snaps* that
(cool huh! )

anyway..sometimes u just have to control that thought..maybe
its a -ve thing
maybe its a +ve
im not too sure
i guess this all depends on the person (i find depends a very useful word to answer questions,
esp when a teacher catches u dreaming in the middle of his/her class den u bo bian so just answer depends. when the teacher ask further more then u slowly tink by then u would still have time to spare..SMART RIGHT =P)

anyway..i dun tink i really feel moody today even though A said i was when we were in the canteen..i would have to say i was rather sad bout a few things which i didnt think..(it was just that moment when u just suddenly feel sad for no reason whatsoever...its weird..but u just feel sad...)

anyway..the only SAD part that came along was when i left....and i shall not touch too much on that..kinda wanna keep it a secret or just to myself...maybe lang will understand...

anyway..i tink thats it bah...that was the only thing that kept popping to my mind after i brisked walked home due to time constraint (only to find out i needed to reach home b4 8 and not 7 T_T)

ending off..~ (like i said before..dun worry..its not the end =P more posts to come anyway hahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaha)

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