lol its unlike like this.
okay. had to get that out of my mind
or mine
or mime!
err anyways. i felt like a fool again cos i pressed enter straight after i typed my title
like idiot man.
if u are fortunate enough.
you can like spot my blog having a post with a title and nothing in it
like *quotes mund*
an abyss of nothingness
of course
to have that kind of luck
you nidda get like bucks.
buck as in money as in rich
rich as in you can reach. not cannot reach
or hand too short
like mine.
thats not right.
i dun really have short arms/hands/fingers
i tink im average
like mean u know
mean in maths
i mean average is good
why not
but average is like
its like
like everyone is white. except youre the one in black.
i mean black is cool
*o btw. on a freaking cool note. note as in take note,
written stuffs. not like piano key
u know the do, a deer, a female deer, ray, a drop of golden sun thingy. note as in
errr i actually named that picture or my beautiful painting, oddball*
its completely not like me to name anything or even use oddball.
like why the hell
would u use oddball, when u can play pinballs
like every1!!!
listen up.!
go ur start menu, go all programs, den go games,, and pinballs!
its free and its nice too.
too bad its available only in like spacey type of theme.
not spidey type of theme. *not that im really a fan of spiderman*
o yea. also. i recently just reformatted my com. *recent as in like yesterday or yesterday yesterday*
so much for like study break for studying. im like breaking.
tink ppl like me should just advertise for kitkatz.
*somehow i always tink kitkatz are like related to cats or such*
but no. cos i have personally ate them (them as in kitkat. not cats)
and i tasted no fur. not that i would love tasting marcus' fur.
i mean its rare of his fur. but still. no thanksz.
thanks as in like military tanks.
in any case, errr. shit i forgot what i gonna say *even though u gonna know what it is. like few seconds from now on*
if u didnt know, im like blogging at 1 20 in the morning.
hope you would understand my mental blogs hahahahah
*its kinda like those show where they PURPOSELY put those type of stupid things into show. like put in some lame joke thing, like its not even lame joke thing*
haha i got a mental blog.
get it? mental block? mental blog?
like the crazy ass guy who always laugh like siao in the show
den u realise
if its in a movie,
this guy *and normally its a guy*
will die first in the movie.
sad huh.
like wad mrs lim says. hero dies early.
but like so true.
cos funny ppl are so hero
of course im not saying myself
how could u tink im saying myself?
omg please.. im not that self centred.
im not that bhb canz.
my skin is not that thick lor.
im definitely not SELF CENTRED :P
okay. actually its not that centred but wadeva. lol
please admire my paint skillz
o ya. i wanted to say something to silent readers of my blog
wonder if even got silent readers sia
like how silent. i mean all readers u read will silent de right.
where will like
woah what is this guy thinking man.
woah this guy is pro man *obviously the person is reading this blog den will say such comment*
i just wanna say this to those reading my blog nia la
dun tink too much.
im not really a global person
so i wont say this to ALL the silent readers in the world
cos me, myself, *i am a good boy*
is also a silent reader
o oyea about that random * i am a good boyt hing*
it actually comes in some funny thing that my cousin showed me like years ago. just rmbed it
if u wan me to show *although i would just show it if i rmb it*
it to you when i see you. just request. i will do :P
i mean it will be my OBLIGATION. i will be most obliged. chim word used.
the thing comes like "me, myself, i am a good boy"
its best with hand actions and stuffs. and must have the rhythmz. :DD
in any case. i tink i just wanan say this to all my silent readers
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