what happened today i tink showed my evil side
there was this stupid uncle aboard bus 89.
and theres me, opposite him and my sister with her fren beside her
errrr wait lemme upload how the scene was.
it was at the lower deck of the bus. at the back.
it was the lower deck. the other ppl were up front. so doesnt really matter
anyways. this uncle was an asshole.
he was reading newspapers (the uncle is HIM)
he had a ring to his left hand fourth finger (married ass)
and between reading articles and articles, he would steal glances at my sister
i know my sister is pretty and im handsome. (the handsome part is besides the point)
but throughout the whole journey his stupid ass glances were more than i could take.
he kept giving that stupid smirk like he was a smurf (nice link there)
and i flared up. i could feel my nose burning lol.
den my nose became all sensitive and shit. (the usual, but more active cos of the anger part)
den i delibrately exteneded my leg across the walkway nearer to his leg.
i stared and glared without losing contact with his eyes.
the next time he took another glance, i stepped his foot.
it was unlike me. but i took the chance, knowing the fact that it was in public.
my sister noticed my leg extending and ask me to be careful not to step his foot. (before stepping i mean)
he was engrossed in reading his newspapers. so he didnt notice my leg extending.
the moment i stepped him, he looked at me.
i didnt say anything. but i just stared at him.
tink he got the message.
den he took LESS glances at my sister.
and he
being such an adult.
even went to lengths to rub his eyes, acting he was tired.
he rubbed it like alkfjdaklfj klf times.
and taking glances while rubbing.
he wasnt reading the newspaper by now.
but it was my freaking mistake. to tink he was really rubbing his eyes when i finally noticed he was using that as an excuse to glance at my sis.
after noticing my mistake, i immediately extended my foot again to show a warning.
he took the warning and looked to the front of the bus and went off at his stop.
btw my sis wasnt wearing anything revealing at all.
tinking about it. i wish i would have stepped more on him.
he deserved to get slapped with like bullshit everywhere.
being a married man, not infering that he shouldnt take galnces at pretty girls,
i would tink he would have LESS of those dirty behaviour.
not saying he cant have. but he SHOULDNT. at least not so much as this ass was having
overall, this guy is a total asshole and i hoped to have more punches at him.
maybe i'll just do this. hahahah
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